
Services available in and around our community.

Health Centre | Village of Port Elgin

Port Elgin & Region Health Centre

Located at 33 Moore Road, operates Monday to Friday. A nurse practitioner is available by appointment.  Lab services are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  There are nursing services available for a variety of services.

The  PERHC can be contacted by phone at: (506) 538-2140 or
by fax (506) 538-2142.

PEDVAC | Village of Port Elgin


PEDVAC Foundation is located at 12 Church Street and offers a used clothing and household goods store, a food bank, school lunch programs for the children of food bank clients, Christmas boxes, literacy training, free income tax preparation, individual advocacy, teaching kitchen, community garden, and special courses. A youth activity director is on staff, making growing up in Port Elgin a fun filled time.

Port Elgin Fire Department | Village of Port Elgin

Emergency Services

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, as well as first class emergency ambulance and fire protection services serve Port Elgin.

Fire Department – Local fire services can be contacted by phone at: (536) 538-7867.

Port Elgin Public Library

The Library | Village of Port Elgin

Get your choice of the best books, magazines, newspapers, CDs or DVDs. We’ve got something for all ages! Search our collection.

Find answers to your questions with the latest information. We will help you with research for a special project; retrieve reliable health information and more. Start now, ask a question, check out our online publications or browse the Virtual Reference Library.

You can also find us on Facebook.

Port Elgin Regional School

Regional High School | Village of Port Elgin

Port Elgin Regional School is located on the Moore Road. This K-8 facility offers a French Immersion program to those students in grades 6-8. Subjects such as Physical Education, Art, Technology, and Music are taught with the help of subject specialists. An active Home and School Association as well as a School Parent Advisory Committee are important factors which contribute to the success of the school.

Westford Nursing Home

Westford Nursing Home | Village of Port Elgin

Port Elgin is home to the Westford Nursing Home and Countryside Special Care Home for Senior Citizens. Both facilities provide Registered Nurses and support staff to assist in the daily living skills of those in need. Westford Villa and the Magee House provide warm and inviting apartments for those seniors who like to live independently.

Sackville Memorial Hospital

Sackville Memorial Hospital is located 30 km away in Sackville, NB. This 33-bed acute care facility specializes in family practice and geriatric care. They also have a special-care unit and provide both emergency and outpatient services. You can also visit the Sackville Memorial Hospital Foundation website.


PEDVAC Foundation is located at 12 Church Street and offers a used clothing and household goods store, a food bank, school lunch programs for the children of food bank clients, Christmas boxes, literacy training, free income tax preparation, individual advocacy, teaching kitchen, community garden, and special courses. A youth activity director is on staff, making growing up in Port Elgin a fun filled time.

Botsford and Westmorland Agricultural Society is located at 6 Park.

Botsford and Westmoreland Agricultural Society | Village of Port Elgin